Wednesday, April 30, 2008

People have nerve... cont.

Maybe since I'm sick, I'm a little over-sensitive today, but I just came in from setting out my recycling and bringing the trash bin back from the curb. As I am shutting the lid on the trash bin I notice a tied baggy in the bottom. When I pulled the bin closer to the house, there was a little more light and I determined this little baggy was filled with dog crap. Not a problem if this were MY dog's crap, but I have not put baggies of dog crap in my trash bin today. So someone was obviously walking their dog, picked up the poop (which, for that I'm thankful) then decided it was too foul to cart all the way back to their own trash bin, so why not just dump it in my trash bin so I can enjoy the fragrant bouquet as it sits in the bottom of my bin for the next week in 80* weather? I wish I knew who it was so I could return this lovely gesture.

I don't know, it just boils down to the complete lack of respect people have for other people. Maybe it was the way I was raised, but I would NEVER toss my dog's shit in someone else's trash bin! I have walked many, many blocks with a reeking bag of poo, after Otis dropped a deuce, until I got home and disposed of it in the proper bin, MY bin. I figure your trash belongs in your bin! Like I said, maybe I'm just being sensitive, I'm tired and sick, and just annoyed as shit with people in general today and that was just the icing on the cake. I probably should just be happy with the fact that they actually cleaned up the poop instead of leaving it for me to step in the next time I mow!


past prime said...

Man's disrespect for his fellow man (inhumanity, if you wil) has been documented ever since history was recorded. You will have to learn to live with it ...just like I ignore the trash on the side of the road, or the collecting wrecked cars in the lawns, or the old appliances left on a porch, or the.....
Sorry there just isn't enough room for documentation.

past prime said...

Make that "collected" instead of "collecting." I don't save my old vehicles. Wait a minute! I do save them! Oops. Forget all.