Monday, April 28, 2008

Raised bed update...

Today I had 32 cubic feet of topsoil dumped in my driveway. $65 for some guy to have the soil company dump soil into the back of his truck, drive 4 miles to my house, and flip a switch that causes the truck bed to dump the dirt on my driveway. So basically I paid someone $65 to do a whole lotta nothin'! Who do you think actually had to shovel the dirt into a wheelbarrow and haul it to the backyard? Yep, me and the Big Daddy. And I can tell you, my arms are so weak feeling right now I can hardly type! Although it is after 10 pm, I am seriously thinking of sliding into a hot tub for half an hour to hopefully nip that soreness in the bud! I may not be able to move tomorrow and I still have probably 14 cubic feet left to move! Holy crap!

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