Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What happens when you don't read labels!

I was doing a mad dash through the grocery store the other day. Just trying to get some of the staples to last us through the 3-day holiday (I DESPISE grocery shopping on weekends, especially holiday weekends!). Anyway, I grabbed a bottle of apple juice for the kids. I normally dilute the kids' juice, saves money and lessens the sugar impact on their teeth! When I got home the Monkey Man asked for something to drink, so I grabbed the new juice, poored it in the cup, diluted as usual and handed it to him. He got an awful stinky face and said it tasted yucky. So I grabbed it and tasted it to see what the problem was and it really did taste yucky! So I grabbed the juice and realized it was NOT our Mott's Apple Juice, it was the Mott's for Tots with 40% less sugar. So this may sound appealing, right? 40% less sugar, how can that be bad? Well, the reason it has 40% less sugar is because it has 40% less juice and 40% MORE water! What a dupe! I checked my receipt and sure as shit, I paid the same price for the diluted juice as I would have for the regular juice! It's just funny how the labeling makes it seem like you're getting such a great deal! Ooooo! 40% less sugar! What a crock! I will make absolutely sure that I grab the appropriate juice next time but with me diluting it with my OWN water, I'll make at least 60% more juice with 40% less sugar (and in turn buy less plastic bottles reducing my eco-footprint, ha-Ha!)

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