Sunday, March 02, 2008

Taking some time off.

I have had a crappy couple of weeks, stomach flu, dealing with my crazy ass father (I'm sure there will be a post at some point regarding this insanity) and having to put my precious kitty to sleep. Luckily my in-laws called and said they had some frequent flyer miles and wondered if I would like to get the hell out of Dodge for a week! Nice! So I am off to Eastern New Mexico for a week, in the windiest time of the year! But it will be nice to break out of my mundane and remotely psychotic existence for a few days. And of course the kiddos are thrilled. It's always nice to visit Nana and Papa. So, don't be alarmed if I don't post, I'll be back in a week or so, maybe even sporting a couple of nice pics or stories! Ciao!

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