Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Bitch is back!

Ok, that may be a little over the top, but it sounded like such a great title! The trip to NM was great, my kiddos had a blast, but I have to admit, I'm glad to be home! Traveling just kicks my ass! I used to drive this trip, before my daughter came into the picture, and it was quite enjoyable. My son and I would stop and play at parks, have a picnic and I had the opportunity to stop and take photos of crazy, old, decrepit buildings and farmhouses. It was great! But now I have to fly because 12 mo. old baby who is just becoming mobile doesn't dig being strapped into her seat for 9 hours (can't imagine why?!) But there is absolutely no joy in flying these days! ESPECIALLY if you're traveling with kids. When it was just one, it was a breeze, but flying solo with two rugrats SUCKS! It seems that there is no such thing as an underbooked flight anymore, so in my case I inevitably have to sit next to a stranger. I prefer my son to take the window seat because as much as I love him, I know he can be an annoying little turd sometimes! So I take the middle seat and the stranger gets the aisle. Well, if it isn't awkward enough having to sit elbow to elbow with a perfect stranger, try having to whip out a boob right next to them in order to placate an over-tired, screaming baby! As soon as you start getting situated, you can see the look in their eyes followed by the telltale sigh that signals they wish they had sat ANYWHERE else but there! Oh well, the choice is booby...screaming baby, booby...screaming baby, call me crazy but I think the booby is the lesser of the two evils!

I will admit though, that on the flight back, I did have a nice "single-serving" friend. She was another mom, heading home from a business trip and she was very kind and understanding. She even helped me soothe the crabby baby by letting her punch buttons on her iPod! But when we landed I was so glad to be on solid ground, so happy to breathe fresh air that hadn't been recirculated countless times, and SO glad to regain my personal space! I mean really... I don't even like being that close to people I know and love!

Next trip I think we will try to drive it and see if the Little Missy can maintain for a cross-state trip (especially now that we have the Mac-Daddy of carseats, you can't imagine how cushy that thing is!) All we can do is wait and see. But I think I'll just enjoy being home for awhile, wearing my shoes wherever I want to and carrying 20-oz bottles of Purell and needle-nose pliers in my diaper bag!

1 comment:

Ginny said...

Woo Hoo welcome home. Glad to see you writing again lol. ;)