I have never spoken publicly about this. I tried to keep it quiet as I didn't want our family to be looked upon unfavorably. It seems as though my husband has a horrible addiction. He just can't seem to shake it and because of this addiction we are out at least $400 a month! The addiction seems to get worse about once a year and he just can't contain himself. He has a ruthless dealer that is always willing to make him a deal and he always makes it so easy for my hubby to indulge! I can't hide it anymore, he is absolutely, positively addicted to Honda Elements!!!
He bought his first one 3 years ago, a little silver number with black trim and a moonroof. He was hot for this little car. He spent so much time with it, he washed it faithfully, made sure it had full-coverage insurance, he fell hard for this one and then he started in the evil downward spiral. A year later, we were in need of refinancing, to hopefully get a better rate as we had to take on a car payment for me after the Jeep pooped out. When he went in to re-fi, his dealer (the evil man) sought my husband out and tempted him with a little Tango red hottie. He said he could take her home with no down payment and no change in the monthly payments, so what could hubby do? How could he resist such a thing? So he came home, much to my surprise and horror with this little red car! He assured me that this was it, he was happy and it would never happen again. A few weeks ago, he began obsessing over the new 2008 Element SC, the new colors, the side airbags, the carpeted floor, the center console. It was sick to hear him talk, seeing the lust in his eyes and the drool coming from the corner of his mouth, but he assured me he only wanted to look at one. Then it happened, he came home one evening and asked me to come out and look at the amazing sunset and instead of seeing a beautiful sunset, I saw a 2008 Rootbeer Element SC sitting in the driveway!! Now he swears there was no money down and payments will be the same, but nonetheless, it is obvious to me that he is sick! I may have to send him to Element re-hab, where they force him to drive 1990 model Ford Tauruses, so he'll be thankful for the one he has and NEVER have the urge to get another. But alas, that damn Honda corporation is going to continue making those damn cars cooler and cooler and he will see next year's model and have to have it! At which point I will have to club him in order to knock some sense into him! He is banned from new cars until they make one that is hybrid or runs on bio-diesel. Until then, I am thinking of sending him to Elements Anonymous, where he can hopefully learn from others that have been down this path! Please think good thoughts for our family!
Why the Element I wonder. They are so boxy!
Well, to be truly honest, it is a cool as shit car. The back seats can fold down completely flat, so you can sleep in one (great for car camping), or when laid flat they can fold up to hug the sides for transport of objects, or they can completely come out and fit an entire drumset (henceforth the ORIGINAL reason for one). Not to mention the auxillary jacks for iPods and shit. Plus I think he just likes that they are unusual looking. He has now joined the Element Owner's Club, they have camping trips and shit all the time. It's like a weird little cult! And they refer to the Elements as toasters.
So how is the gas mileage on one of these things? I am going to get a new car in the near future and might join the element cult. ;)
I'll ask the hubby. Pretty good mileage though, he wouldn't have bought them otherwise. THen again, most Honda's seem to do fairly well on the mileage. Even my Pilot gets decent mileage for the size.
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