Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Getting Excited!

I keep reading posts on my friend Ginny's blog about her wonderful excursions into the wilds of Colorado. I am getting so excited to head to Ruidoso and get a little bit of my "wild outdoor" fix! We always see loads of elk this time of year and we have one of those spotlights so we can really check them out if they're in a field or something. I think on one of the days that kidlets are with the grandfolks, we'll head over to the petroglyphs. They are truly amazing, wish my good camera was operational! We plan on taking the kids down to White Sands one afternoon as well. I have never seen one, but there are herds of Oryx that roam through White Sands. I always love that place! My hubby remembers going with his parents and grandparents as a child and having such a fun family time, then there is me, raised by nomadic hippies who took me to White Sands as a child and we waited until sunset, stripped down to the nude and streaked around the dunes, truly at one with the world! (And folks wonder why I'm a little different!) But anyway, I am just looking forward to the fresh air, the scent of pine, the mountain blue jays that start screeching at dawn because they know we have peanuts and sunflowers for them, the hummingbirds, the chipmonks, all that great stuff. Maybe we'll get lucky and see some bears this time, but I'm sure we'll see some elk, deer, and wild turkeys! But the biggest bonus of all... a couple of days kid-free with my old man, YEA!

1 comment:

Ginny said...

Hey I just got back from my trip...I hope yours is going well!