Monday, August 13, 2007

To pee or not to pee, that is the question.

I received a forwarded email from my grandmother, this isn't surprising since, for some reason, that entire side of the family obviously does not have the capability to type, they can only forward crap! Anyway, I normally delete them since I really don't have time to bother with stupid jokes and political propaganda, but this one caught my eye. It was an email suggesting that the government require urine testing for people on public assistance. After all, most of us have to work and pay taxes, the taxes are therefore distributed however the government deems necessary. Many people have to pass urine tests in order to receive their paycheck, so why aren't people who are being helped with that person's taxes required to pee in that little cup? I fully believe that sometimes a person needs a little help to get back on their feet, and it is great our government can help them to do this. HOWEVER, it pisses me off (no pun intended) when I know alot of our hard-earned money is going to people who care nothing about getting back on their feet, they just want to kick back, get high and have the rest of us foot the bill. So I say PEE! We would certainly be spending alot less money on welfare if that were the case!


Sean Wright said...

I presume this is for drug screening. I'd be against it because of the negative effect it would have on peoples self esteem. It would be better to have a work for handout scheme I think.

Little Mama said...

I'm personally not a big supporter of drug testing. However, if our country is going to require drug-testing for a person to earn a legitimate paycheck, then why don't we require people who are getting public assistance to follow the same standards? It's a fine line.